Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ultramarine Strike Force Lightning.

Marneus and Tigerious recruited the Khan to lead 6th company bikers in an advanced assault party. Hoping to use sheer speed and power to confound any tactic set forth by the enemy.

Ultramarine Strike Force Lightning [2500]

Ultramarine Primary Detachment. [1314]

HQ [585]
Marneus 275 Armor 10 [285]

Tigerious [170]
Command squad 100 Apothecary 15 Champion 15 [130]

TROOP [529]
10 Tactical 140 Flamer 5 Lascannon 20 [165]

10 Tactical 140 Flamer 5 Lascannon 20 [165]

5 Scout 55 Telion 50 Cloaks *4 8 Rifles*1 1 Rocket 10 [124]

5 Tactical 70 Flamer 5 [75]

Storm Raven 200 [200]

White Scars Primary Detachment. [1086]

HQ [540]
Q’han of the North [Khan] 125 Moondraken 25 [150]
Q’han Command 100 Bikes 35 Apothecary 15 Champion 15 Storm Shield*3 30 Fist 25 Hammer*2 60 [280]

Chaplain 90 Bike 20 [110]

TROOP [546]
10 Bike Tactical 213 V.Sgt 10 Fist 25 Multimelta 10 Meltagun 10 Flamer 5 [273]

10 Bike Tactical 213 V.Sgt 10 Fist 25 Multimelta 10 Meltagun 10 Flamer 5 [273]


Aegis Line 50 Quad Gun 50 [100]

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