Sunday, November 3, 2013

2,500 Point Ultramarine Omega Force

I was preparing for a tournament the weekend after T-Giving and after formulating a number of different lists suddently realized: Wait. You have a blog claming you are the last Ultramarine. So. You should probably field the most badass UM list available. Thus I present to you a force and list that uses every member of the Ultramarine cast.

Ultramarine Strike Force Omega [2500]

HQ [920]
Marneus 275 Armor 10 [285]
Sicarius [185]
Tigerious [165]
Cassius [130]
Command squad 100 Apothecary 15 Fist 25 Champion 15 [155]

TROOP [845]
10 Tactical 140 Vet Sgt 10 Fist 25 Flamer 5 Lascannon 20 [200]
Dedicated Rhino [35]
10 Tactical 140 Vet Sgt 10 Fist 25 Flamer 5 Lascannon 20 [200]
Dedicated Rhino [35]
10 Tactical 140 Flamer 5 Launcher 15 Flak 10 [170]
Dedicated Rhino [35]
5 Scout 55 Telion 50 Cloaks*4 8 rifles*2 2 [115]
Dedicated Storm 45 Multimelta 10 [55]

ELITE [225]
5 Assault Terminator 200 Hammers 25[225]

Stormraven [200]

Land Raider Crusader 250 Chronus 50 Multimelta 10 [310]

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