Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ultramarine Strike Force Lightning.

Marneus and Tigerious recruited the Khan to lead 6th company bikers in an advanced assault party. Hoping to use sheer speed and power to confound any tactic set forth by the enemy.

Ultramarine Strike Force Lightning [2500]

Ultramarine Primary Detachment. [1314]

HQ [585]
Marneus 275 Armor 10 [285]

Tigerious [170]
Command squad 100 Apothecary 15 Champion 15 [130]

TROOP [529]
10 Tactical 140 Flamer 5 Lascannon 20 [165]

10 Tactical 140 Flamer 5 Lascannon 20 [165]

5 Scout 55 Telion 50 Cloaks *4 8 Rifles*1 1 Rocket 10 [124]

5 Tactical 70 Flamer 5 [75]

Storm Raven 200 [200]

White Scars Primary Detachment. [1086]

HQ [540]
Q’han of the North [Khan] 125 Moondraken 25 [150]
Q’han Command 100 Bikes 35 Apothecary 15 Champion 15 Storm Shield*3 30 Fist 25 Hammer*2 60 [280]

Chaplain 90 Bike 20 [110]

TROOP [546]
10 Bike Tactical 213 V.Sgt 10 Fist 25 Multimelta 10 Meltagun 10 Flamer 5 [273]

10 Bike Tactical 213 V.Sgt 10 Fist 25 Multimelta 10 Meltagun 10 Flamer 5 [273]


Aegis Line 50 Quad Gun 50 [100]

Sunday, November 3, 2013

2,500 Point Ultramarine Omega Force

I was preparing for a tournament the weekend after T-Giving and after formulating a number of different lists suddently realized: Wait. You have a blog claming you are the last Ultramarine. So. You should probably field the most badass UM list available. Thus I present to you a force and list that uses every member of the Ultramarine cast.

Ultramarine Strike Force Omega [2500]

HQ [920]
Marneus 275 Armor 10 [285]
Sicarius [185]
Tigerious [165]
Cassius [130]
Command squad 100 Apothecary 15 Fist 25 Champion 15 [155]

TROOP [845]
10 Tactical 140 Vet Sgt 10 Fist 25 Flamer 5 Lascannon 20 [200]
Dedicated Rhino [35]
10 Tactical 140 Vet Sgt 10 Fist 25 Flamer 5 Lascannon 20 [200]
Dedicated Rhino [35]
10 Tactical 140 Flamer 5 Launcher 15 Flak 10 [170]
Dedicated Rhino [35]
5 Scout 55 Telion 50 Cloaks*4 8 rifles*2 2 [115]
Dedicated Storm 45 Multimelta 10 [55]

ELITE [225]
5 Assault Terminator 200 Hammers 25[225]

Stormraven [200]

Land Raider Crusader 250 Chronus 50 Multimelta 10 [310]

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Leroy Jenkins Has Eaten The Falcon.

The dog ate probably $50 worth of things today. Give or take. GW price is just below $45, but then there’s shipping. Margin. Minus cleaning products. Just wrecked the craft. we thought, in our imagination, that we knew what a wrecked craft was. But we didn’t know. Until we saw what a 15 week old ¾ Yellow Lab ¼ German Sheppard could do to an Eldar tank given an afternoon free to poop and chew. It was our hubris that caused this. We wanted to see it on its flying base. It was not sturdy. By any means. But it was glorious in its own way. Falcon Grav Tank with bright lance. Just one. The other was missing, but we would have found the other. Now it is probably inside intestines. At least we have a picture to remember her by before we turn her into some terrain. Probably. Probably she can not be rebuilt. The bastard ate the pilot. Last known photo below. Craft circled crudely in red.

Monday, September 2, 2013

How do I Warhammer?

Some people want to know how I Warhammer. And the answer is simple; Hard. 
I rock the Warhammer, and worlds die.
Everyone hates on the Ultramarines. Calls them Vanilla, but they are the last real hope for the galaxy. The Imperium of man is a corrupt and damned vessel for hate. But Ultramar is the best of humanity, unblemished by the taint of chaos.
This is my air tank. There are many like it, but this is mine. 
These are my HQs.
This is WIP Draigo and his paladin. Since, they have been based. Next step? Staple books to their brains.
This is Khan of The North fighting, and surviving, against four dreadnoughts, only one tactical nought. 
This is The Duke fighting against way too many bugs.

This is one of my bike lists hammer and anviling chaos pink. 

And this is my attempt at beating the dreaded 6 Doomsythe list. Would have been a tie at 5. Went to 7, and it did not go well for the Draigo Coteaz alliance. 

So hard. 

<3 UM

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Karuvas XI Apocalypse Total; 16K

Karuvas XI Master List [15,843]

Undedicated Aegis line 50 Quad Gun 50 [100]

Ultramarine Force Omega [7193]
Kabal of the Black Heart [5868]
Ordo Exterminatus [2682]

[16,000 Contingent U.F.O. Extra Armor*6 90 Stormbolter*2 20 HK 10 Speeder HF 10 O.E. Xtra Armor 15 Tech Stormbolter 3 Hench Storm*3 9 {157}]

Ultramarine Force Omega [7193]
HQ [2345]
TROOP [1758]
ELITE [730]
HQ [2345]
Marneus Calgar [265]
Honor Guard 4 150 Banner 25 [175]
Kato Sicarius [200]
Vargo Tigerious [230]
Ortan Cassius [125]
Q’ahn Of The North 160 on Moonhund 45  [205]
Q’ahn Command 115 Bikes 90 Champion 15 Hammer/shield 45*2 90 Powerweapon/Meltabomb 20 Company Standard 15 [345]
Captain Killfist 100 Bike 35 Fist 25 Stormshield 15 Artificer Armor 15 Meltabomb 5 [185]
Chaplain Cassius II 100 Bike 35 [135]
Vulcan He’stan [190]
Captain Spearkill 100 Power Weapon 15 Digital Weapons 10 Artificer Armor 15 [140]
Spearkill Command  115 Champion 15 Meltabombs 20 [150]
TROOP [1758]
10 Tactical 170 Fist 25 Plasma Pistol 15 Missile Flamer [210]
10 Tactical Fist 25 Missile Flamer [195]
10 Tactical Fist 25 Missile Flamer [195]
10 Tactical Fist 25 Missile Flamer [195]
10 Tactical 170 Fist 25 Multimelta Meltagun 10 [205]
6 Scout 88 Missile 10 Tellion 50 [148]
10 Bike 255 Fist 25 Multimelta 10Meltagun 10 Flamer 5 [305]
10 Bike 255 Fist 25 Multimelta 10Meltagun 10 Flamer 5 [305]
ELITE [730]
5 Assault Terminator [200]
5 Assault Terminator [200]
5 Terminator 200 Whirlwind 30 [230]
Dreadnought Octavian [100]
Land Speeder Storm 50 Multimelta 15 [65]
Land Speeder 50 Multimelta 10 Assault 40 [100]
Land Speeder 50 Cyclone 40 Multimelta 10 [100]
Land Speeder 50 Cyclone 40 Multimelta 10 [100]
Land Speeder 50 Cyclone 40 Multimelta 10 [100]
5 Assault Marines 100 Fist/shield 40 Plasma 15Meltabomb*5 25 [180]
5 Assault Marines 100 Powerweapon/shield 30 Plasma 15Meltabomb*5 25 [170]
Attack Bike Squad 40 Multimelta 10 [50]
Land Raider Crusader 250 Multimelta 10 Stormbolter 10 Chronus 70 [340]
Land Raider 250 Hunterkiller 10 [260]
Land Raider 250 Hunterkiller 10 [260]
5 Devestator 90 Heavy Bolter*4 60 [150]
5 Devestator 90 Lascannon*2 70 Rocket*2 30 [190]
5 Devestator 90 Plasmacannon*2 50 Rocket*2 30 [170]
Rhino 35 Hunterkiller 10 [45]
Rhino 35 Hunterkiller 10 [45]
Drop pod 35 [35]

Kabal of the Black Heart [5868]
HQ [1265]
TROOP [1111]
ELITE [1474]

HQ [1265]
Vect  [240]
Lady Ruthless Malys [130]
Drazhar [230]
Lelith [175]
Urien [190]
The Duke [150]
Archon Q 60 Shadowfield 30 Drugs 10 Ghostplate 10 Soul Trap 10 Huskblade 35 Venom Blade 5 [150]
TROOP [1111]
20 Warriors 180 Splinter Cannon*2 20 Sybarite 10 Blast 15 Agonizer 20 [245]
10 Warriors 90 Sybarite 10 [100]
5 Warriors [45]
10 Wyches 100 Hecatrix 10 Agonizer 20 Blast 15 Haywire 20 Net 10 Hydra 10 [185]
10 Wyches 100 Hecatrix 10 Agonizer 20 Blast 15 Haywire 20 Net 10 Flails 10 [185]
10 Wyches 100 Hecatrix 10 Agonizer 20 Blast 15 Haywire 20 Net 10 [175]
10 Wyches 100 Hecatrix 10 Agonizer 20 Blast 15 Haywire 20 Net 10 [175]
ELITE [1474]
10 Incubi 220 Klaivex 10 Demiclaives 20 Murderous Assault 10 Onslaught 15 Bloodstone 15 [290]
10 Incubi 220 Klaivex 10 Demiclaives 20 Bloodstone 15 [265]
10 Harlequins 180 Kiss*2 8 Fusion pistol*2 20 Death Jester 10 Shadowseer 30 Troupe Master 20 Power weapon [268]
9 Trueborn 108 Dracon 5 Ghostplate 10 Dark Lance 25 Carbines*4 20Haywire 18 [186]
10 Trueborn 120 Dracon 5 Ghostplate 10 Splinter Cannon*2 20 Haywire 20 [175]
5 Trueborn 60 Dark Lance*2 50 Blaster*2 30 Dracon 5 Ghostplate 10 Poison Blade 5 Haywire 10[170]
5 Trueborn 60 Splinter Cannon*2 20 Shredder*2 10 Dracon 5 Ghostplate 10 Poison Blade 5 Haywire 10 [120]
5 Scourges 110 Haywire 10 Heatlance 12 Solarite 10 Power Weapon 10 [152]
10 Reavers 220 Heat Lance*3 36 Cluster Caltrops*360 Champion 10 Venom Blade 5 [331]
10 Reavers 220 Blaster*3 45 Champion 10 Agoniser 20 [295]
Ravager 105 Torment 5 Sails 5 Chains 5 Tropies 5 Blades 5 Shields 10 FField 10 [150]
Ravager 105 Torment 5 Sails 5 Chains 5 Tropies 5 Blades 5 Shields 10 FField 10 [150]
Talos 100 Chain-flails 10 CC Weapon 15 [125]
Talos 100 Chain-flails 10 CC Weapon 15 [125]
Cronos 80 Probe 10 Vortex 20 [110]
Raider 60 Torment 5 Sails 5 Chains 5 Tropies 5 Blades 5 Shields 10 FField 10 [105]
Raider 60 Torment 5 Sails 5 Chains 5 Tropies 5 Blades 5 Shields 10 FField 10 [105]
Raider 60 Torment 5 Sails 5 Chains 5 Tropies 5 Blades 5 Shields 10 FField 10 [105]
Raider 60 Torment 5 Sails 5 Chains 5 Tropies 5 Blades 5 Shields 10 FField 10 [105]
Venom 55 Chain 5 Tropies 5 Blades 5 Shields 10 [80]
Venom 55 Chain 5 Tropies 5 Blades 5 Shields 10 [80]

Ordo Exterminatus [2682]
HQ [735]
TROOP [1026]
ELITE [686]
HQ [735]
Lord Draaigo [275]
Levar Burton 150 Mastery 3 50 Servo Skull*3 15 Master Crafted 5 [220]
Coteaz [100]
Valeria [140]
TROOP [1026]
5 Paladin 275 Apothecary 75 Mastercrafted*5 25 Psybolt ammo 20 Brotherhood Banner 25 [420]
12 Henchmen 2 Jokaero 70 5 Servitor 50 5 Acolyte 20 Power armor 50 Boltgun 5 Meltabombs 25 [220]
12 Henchmen 2 Jokaero 70 10 Acolyte {40 Power armor 100 Boltgun 10 Meltabombs 50} [270]
4 Henchmen 4 Acolyte {16 Carapic*2 8 Hotshot lasgun*2 10 Boltgun*2 2 Meltabombs 20} [56]
3 Henchmen 3 Acolyte {12 Power Armor 30 Boltgun 3 Meltabombs 15} [60]
ELITE [686]
Techmarine 90 Warding Staff 25 Meltabomb 5 Rad Grenades 10 Empyrean brain mines 10 Digital Weapons 15 Psychotroke grenades 15 Orbital strike relay 50 [220]
Venerable Dread 175 Truesilver 10 Psybolt ammo 5 Searchlight 1 [191]
Callidus Assassin 145
Eversor Assassin 130
Stormraven 205 Hurricanes 30 [235]

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Grey Knights Versus Blood Angels 2000.

In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war. Or is it fun? In the grim darkness of the FAR future... there is only fun. This can only be speculation. For who can see the future, but mathematics? Some of you may notice that we don't actually write a whole lot on this blog. That is because we are weak. But no more. It is important that you all realize that there is a war out there, being waged daily, with millions and millions of dice. Probably billions. It bends the mind and cracks the will. But the sad truth is, we have not played a great deal. Recently. Because we have moved, and can't find anyone willing to hang out in a creepy basement and move little heroes around a 4 by 6 table.

First off. Let me show you where I was at Friday.

So there you go. Got to drive a tank and shoot a machine gun, and aside from two games played a couple weeks ago, I have not played for nearly a year. So we are itching to get the Grey Knights on the field. The Knight dual wing. Coteaz and Draigo. Space pimps supreme. Codex: Space Marines is dead, men. We must allow it to die and forage among the codex for grains of truth. And the truth is, Knights get the job done. So here is my list:

Paladin and Henchmen [2000]

HQ [525]
Quoteaz [100]
Draigo [275]
Levar Burton [150] Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinesis

TROOP [690]
1 Paladin 55
1 Paladin 55
1 Paladin 55
1 Paladin 55
11 Henchmen [Acolyte 4 Boltgun 1Power Armor 10 Melta B 5] *8 160[Acolyte 4 HS Las 5 Boltgun 1] 10 Jakero*2 70 [240]
12 Henchmen [Acolyte 4 Boltgun 1Power Armor 10 Melta B 5] *6 120 [Servitor 10]* 4 40 Jakero*2 70 [230]

ELITE [365]
Callidus Assassin [145]
Techmarine 90 [90]
Eversor Assassin [130]

Dreadnought [115]

Stormraven [205]

Aegis Line 50 Quad Gun 50 [100]

I am trying to take advantage of the supermonkeys and individual knights being heroes. I am playing a crazy Blood Angels list. I have taken advantage of the 6th ed suggestion of doubling the FO at 2000. My opponent chooses not to do that, and fields instead what he refers to as his first legion. A very mean contingent of Blood Angels that goes something like:


10 Man Jet Pack Assault squad, three melta pistol
5 Man Sanguinary Guard, two melta pistols, fist

Librarian Dreadnought Lance/Wings
Librarian Dreadnought Lance/Wings Magna grapple

Stormraven with  Plasma Cannon Multimelta Hurricanes Extra armor
Stormraven with  Plasma Cannon Multimelta Hurricanes Extra armor
Stormraven with  Plasma Cannon Multimelta Hurricanes Extra armor

The choices are few and obvious and determined by reserves. But what he doesn't realize is that I want psychics. I need psychics. You know what I hate though? Dante and his death mask retardation. Who is your most awesome dude? Oh. Well, take away one of all of their nice things. The Jakero don't get The Works. Instead the troop heavy unit gets rending while the servitor based squad gets an extra 12" of range. Game type is Purge the Alien [read Annihilation] hammer and anvil deployment. Which is my favorite deployment now. So glad it exists. Creates so many interesting situations. Levar Burton rolls on the divination chart and gives up his first roll to Prescience and then takes the one that allows you to ignore cover saves. Still not sure if that is possible, but we did it. So there. Everything is crazy. Just look. I can not explain with words.