Monday, September 2, 2013

How do I Warhammer?

Some people want to know how I Warhammer. And the answer is simple; Hard. 
I rock the Warhammer, and worlds die.
Everyone hates on the Ultramarines. Calls them Vanilla, but they are the last real hope for the galaxy. The Imperium of man is a corrupt and damned vessel for hate. But Ultramar is the best of humanity, unblemished by the taint of chaos.
This is my air tank. There are many like it, but this is mine. 
These are my HQs.
This is WIP Draigo and his paladin. Since, they have been based. Next step? Staple books to their brains.
This is Khan of The North fighting, and surviving, against four dreadnoughts, only one tactical nought. 
This is The Duke fighting against way too many bugs.

This is one of my bike lists hammer and anviling chaos pink. 

And this is my attempt at beating the dreaded 6 Doomsythe list. Would have been a tie at 5. Went to 7, and it did not go well for the Draigo Coteaz alliance. 

So hard. 

<3 UM